• Derek Maytubby of LyondellBasell Refinery presented information about the typical timeline and steps for planning a major turnaround (TA). He shared a definition from the Project Maintenance Body of Knowledge and explained that TAs are complex events with many things that need to be considered. (Turnarounds may also be called shutdowns or outages or maintenance outages). A turnaround may include maintenance work, capital projects, inspections and more. The planning process for major turnarounds can start as early as two to three years before the turnaround starts. The main goal of a TA is to ensure the on-going safe and reliable operation of the unit. The turnaround process consists of defining what the TA goals are; planning and preparing the approved scope; executing the TA; and closeout and lessons learned. Other areas such as contract workforce and TA logistics, including traffic, are also considered . In general, turnarounds require teamwork, are typically worked around the clock, and involve many different personnel and kinds of activities.